White Cap Construction Supplies is committed to “setting the standard of excellence in delivering industry-leading products, services, and expertise through knowledgeable associates and a seamless customer experience.” A shining example of this commitment is Gary Longfield, PNW District Sales Manager for DOT/Infrastructure at White Cap. With over 20 years of service, Gary has earned a reputation as the “go-to” expert in the construction industry. Known for his unwavering dedication to his customers, deep industry knowledge, and collaborative spirit, Gary exemplifies the values that drive White Cap’s success. His expertise and approach have greatly benefited not only White Cap but also its partners, including American Highway.

American Highway values its long-standing partnership with White Cap and Gary, a collaboration built on mutual respect and trust. According to Gary, problem-solving is at the core of his role, and finding effective solutions takes time and communication. “With American Highway, we’ve built a strong rapport,” says Gary. “We’re aligned in our mindset. It’s not always easy, but it’s consistent. We talk daily, and I’ve learned that frequent communication about industry projects, challenges, and lead times—shared transparently with customers—can preempt many issues.”
This reliable, solution-oriented partnership has been a cornerstone of their success. Gary describes American Highway’s team as “the best of the best.” He admires the company’s expertise, innovative mindset, and collaborative efforts but highlights that their success goes beyond technical skills. It’s rooted in strong leadership and a commitment to progress that sets them apart. “I don’t need to work with the biggest; I want to work with the best,” Gary explains. “What separates American Highway is its ability to adapt and evolve for the betterment of the industry.”
Gary is confident that American Highway will continue to positively impact the construction industry, particularly in the realm of concrete. “One constant in life and business is change,” he says. “American Highway understands this and remains steadfast in its core values, ensuring they stay ahead of the curve and lead with excellence.”